We have partnered with HostCentric to offer foreign language translation
of domain names in over 35 languages. For instance, English to French
Translation, English to Italian Translation or any other language
translation. You are no longer limited to English
character domain names. Now, you can register in over 35 different languages.
You can also mix English characters with non-English character sets. Expand
your international Web presence with a multilingual domain name.
All you need to do is fill out a form with your domain(s) and select your
target languages. The translation is performed within 24 hours. Once finished,
you are emailed a URL, which contains a fully populated shopping cart of your
translated domains. All you need to do is checkout, pay, and the domains are
Hostcentric Inc. is one of the largest privately held managed service providers
offering a full range of Web hosting services, e-commerce solutions and technology
infrastructure. The company's comprehensive suite of enhanced, integrated
services includes applications infrastructure management, complex, geographically
load-balanced e-commerce systems and support, streaming media, Web hosting
and global domain name registration and management.
If you would like a English to French Translation, English to Italian
Translation or any other language translation and register your domain name, please visit: