Localization of your software product will help you attract top international
distributors, resellers, end-users, and achieve strong sales. A localized
product puts your company in the drivers seat when negotiating with foreign
distributors. No more giving away large margins, control over the product,
or source code to a foreign distributor. You are in a position to easily
assign several distributors to cover the market since the localized source
is in your control.
You are in full control of managing the release of upgrades. Imagine
the advantage of simultaneously launching multiple language versions of
your product based on your set time schedule. For instance, an English
to Spanish Translation as well as an English to French Translation. You are also in control
of the quality issues making sure that each language version meets your
company's high quality demands.
All of our localization engineers have many years of experience localizing
commercial software products. We adhere to the strictest quality standards
and manage the project for an on-time delivery. We provide the following
services in localizing your software.
- Internationalization / multi-byte enablement of code.
- Localization of all source code resource files.
- User interface localization (look and feel, layout, colors, etc.).
- On-line help localization including screen shot generation.
- Testing and ensuring accuracy of on-line help links.
- Database translation and setup.
- User manual translation, formatting and layout.
- Testing the final localized product.